Wednesday, September 10, 2008

That's how rumors get started....

Tonight Tyler and Casey decided to come over to the house to see Randall's new glorious car (pics to come later). So to celebrate the occasion I ordered some pasta from Pizza Hut.

When the pizza guy came to the door he immediatly said "Sooo something crazy is going on at the end of your street" to which I replied "Really, what is it?" I glanced to the end of the cul-de-sac and there was a fire truck and three cop cars! Cool....nothing exciting ever happens in the quiet suburbs!

The pizza guy then informed me not to worry - that he was going to go check it out. AWESOME. After I signed the receipt for the pasta and sat it on the table...I headed out to the front yard. But not to worry ... my investigative pizza guy was already to the end of the cul-de-sac and practically in the front yard of the house with all the commotion. Great! My pizza guy will find out the scoop for me without me looking like a nosey neighbor!

The pizza guy then returned to my yard with the news.

"A lady came out of the house crying. Somebody is totally DEAD or hurt real bad."

WHAT! Oh my gosh....thats HORRIBLE .... I must see if they are ok! Then I saw the girl that lives across the street from me walk back from the house. I immediately ran to her and asked if everything was ok.

"Oh yea, everything is fine. Her oven just exploded."

So thats why she was crying? Her oven exploded? It is so funny to me how a crying woman means that somebody must have died. Clearly my pizza guy is a conspiracy theorist. I like him.


Unknown said...

LOL! This is why I love you, Kendall. You are calm in a crisis and then really funny in the retelling of it.

Anonymous said...

Ummm...when will your next blog post occur? its been a week already!! ;) Happy Birthday!