Monday, September 8, 2008

Political Observations

It seems that I have picked a good time to start my blog with all that is going on in the news and world - specifically the election of our next president. I have a lot to talk about. Like FOX News I try to be fair and balanced - with that being said here are some observations I have had over the past week:

1. The media is going to put McCain and Palin in the White House.
Here is why: The media is attacking Palin so hard in her personal life and focusing on everything BUT the issues- that it is creating a huge backlash by not just women but some democrats as well! People are getting so angry at the way she is being treated that they are voting for the Republican ticket. If I were working for Obama I would be calling up all the news stations and tell them to shut-up because the harder they attack her....the higher the ratings go up for McCain!

2. McCain was very good looking back in the day.

3. Obama has to be the best public speaker I have ever seen.

4. Oprah should have kept her mouth shut - now none of the conservative hockey moms are going to watch her show anymore - most of which got her where she is today.

5. US Weekly is not a reputable news source.

6. Why are people questioning Palin's ability to be a mother and the VP? You would never hear that question asked about a man!

7. Is anyone really going to listen to a crazy-looking guy from England when he tells Americans who to vote for president on the VMA awards?

8. John McCain's daugher Meghan has a really cool blog:

9. I feel sorry for Bristol Palin - people are being so mean!

10. Dr. Phil is a Republican

11. The next 60 days are going to be very exciting!


Unknown said...

Finally! A blog post from Kendall. I love it, my R friend. ;)

Courtney said...

Glad to see you on Blogger. Love the political observations!